Information event
13 January 2011, Cologne, Germany
The information event on 13 January 2011 provided more detailed information about the trans-national call Electromobility+ to the research community. The event also served as a brokerage platform and was supported by the Transport National Contact Point network “ETNA”.
There has been a high level of interest from the research community. About 200 people from all countries/regions involved attended the Information and Brokerage Event.
Please find the agenda of the event here. The oral presentations held during the information event are available here.
During the brokerage session in the afternoon, participants looking for partners had the opportunity to present their organisation profile and ideas for project proposals in two different ways:
- in the form of a brief oral presentation or
- in written form. The filled in templates were displayed on poster boards for all participants to read. Parties interested in cooperating were encouraged to leave behind a business card for the author of the document in question.
The oral presentations held at the brokerage session are available here.
The written partner search forms that have been presented on the poster boards as well as new partner search requests are available on the ETNA website.